The class was busy during the month of September creating several visual art pieces. Our lessons began with the colour wheel and how to use warm and cool colours in our art. Then, we studied the artist Vincent Van Gogh.
Our first art piece, "Sunflowers" was inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's work. We used warm and cool colours to create a contrast.
For International Dot Day, we used one black dot. This dot was the starting piece for students and they were free to use their imaginations and creativity like Vashti from "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds.
During the week of Truth and Reconciliation, the class took part in a virtual art lesson with the artist Mark Seabrook. During the lesson, he taught us about the art style called woodlands. This style was created by an Indigenous artist named Norval Morriseau. Mark guided the class through a lesson to draw "The Fish Clan."